Eyes On the Street: Champa Street Bike Lane Gets a Buffer From Cars

Denver Public Works has given people more room to ride bikes on Champa Street.
Crews have finished striping the one-way street to better delineate the existing bike lane from the auto traffic lane between Downing and 19th. There, the route connects to the existing buffered bike lane — which still has some gaps — that continues southwest through downtown to Speer Boulevard. All in all the buffered bike lane on Champa is about two miles long.
Champa’s new treatment is a step up from the standard. But a block away, on Stout Street, DPW will implement a much better one. Crews are preparing to install Denver’s fourth parking-protected bike lane along Stout, which is one-way outbound.
Between the two street redesigns, DPW is giving riders better options for traveling into and out of downtown. If you want to know more, check out the details and diagrams from Streetsblog’s earlier coverage.