Portland Transportation Bureau Retracts Tweet Calling Electric Scooters “Toys” for “Tech Bros”

Red-faced officials had only just launched their e-scooter program.

E-scooters are attracting riders in cities all over the country. But they still struggle with legitimacy issues. Image: Portland Bureau of Transportation
E-scooters are attracting riders in cities all over the country. But they still struggle with legitimacy issues. Image: Portland Bureau of Transportation

Portland transportation officials were red-faced this week after an unnamed staffer disparaged e-scooters as “toys” for lazy “tech bros” just as the city’s pilot scooter program went live.

The unidentified official took to the Portland Bureau of Transportation’s Twitter account after a resident complained the city should be doing more to promote scooters to help achieve climate goals.


The agency, which began its program with e-scooters from Skip, Limebike and Bird this week, quickly apologized for the Tweet, saying it “does not represent the views of our bureau.”

“We’re excited to welcome scooters as a new transportation option into our city and to see what we can learn from this pilot,” the account added.