It Worked: Readers Take Over CDOT’s Victim-Blaming #SafetyStartsWithAllOfUs Campaign
Instead of making streets like Federal Boulevard (also known as highway 88) safer with proven physical interventions that calm traffic speeds, the Colorado Department of Transportation is trying to “educate” the carnage out of deadly city streets with a PR campaign (as usual).
It’s ridiculous that CDOT expects people walking and biking to bear the same responsibility on public streets as people operating multi-ton killing machines. So we asked you to flip the script — and you did.
Streetsblog readers from all over the country overwhelmed CDOT’s #SafetyStartsWithAllOfUs hashtag on Twitter. Here are some of the best responses:
Some of you took CDOT’s Day-Glo wardrobe requirements to the next level…
Some people used their firsthand experiences to combat CDOT’s faux safety message…
Also, the number of times I, as a pedestrian, have been an existential threat to a driver EVER is still zero. #SafetyStartsWithAllOfUs
— Chris Jones (@PickledEntropy) June 14, 2018
A quick search through the news of the day provides plenty of fodder too…
. @ColoradoDOT “pedEsTriaNS HavE tHe RighT to bE ON roADs Just AS MUCH As dRiveRS DO. AnYtime yoU ARe A pEdeStrIaN on cOLoRado ROAdS, MAke sURE yoU are vIsIbLe tO DrIvERs. PedEStRIaNS SHOUlD STRIVE TO bE SafE ANd Seen.” #saFETySTaRTswIthaLLOfuS
— Bob Gunderson (Retired) (@Bob_Gunderson) June 12, 2018
One Denver City Council member weighed in…
You all owned Colorado’s transportation department. Enjoy…
If you aren’t a skilled communicator, it is important to practice your messaging skills before you hit the busy airwaves. Many advocates offer lessons to help transpo agencies become better communicators. #SafetyStartsWithAllOfUs #bikesafe
— Martha Roskowski (@martharoskowski) June 13, 2018
.@ColoradoDOT says #SafetyStartsWithAllOfUS **
** “All of Us” excludes CDOT and its licensed professional engineers, as well as fellow AASHTO member DOTs, who purposely design deadly conditions for people who walk along DOT-managed streets.
— DK (@KostelecPlan) June 15, 2018
Such a teachable #SafetyStartsWithAllOfUs moment: substance-impaired driver crashes into 2nd story dentist office. Perhaps @ColoradoDOT could put your red-circle X graphic on this image?
— StreetsblogLA (@StreetsblogLA) June 12, 2018