Thursday: Rub Elbows With People Who Shape Denver’s Streets

The setting is intimate, the entertainment a bit wonky, but usually fascinating. We’re talking about the Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation’s Transportation Committee meetings, and if you’re not going, you’re missing out.inc_mobilebug_2013

Once every two months the city’s largest neighborhood coalition hosts the gathering, where people in influential positions speak candidly about projects, policies, and initiatives that affect Denver’s streets. It’s not just about listening to presentations from decision makers — it’s about dialogue. Anyone who attends leaves with a better understanding of how Denver’s transportation scene is changing, and how you can help shape it. 

INC’s next transportation committee meeting is Thursday. Speakers will cover commuting patterns in the Mile High City, the coming transformation of Civic Center Station, and redesigning the Broadway/Lincoln corridor to prioritize transit, walking, biking, and place-making.

Here’s more from INC about the lineup:

Aylene McCallum, Director of Downtown Development, Downtown Denver Partnership
As Denver grows, travel options need to become increasingly attractive, effective and affordable in order to move our growing population. Commuting trips, in particular, test the transportation network with the number of people traveling at once. How are people commuting now, and how has that been changing over time? What patterns can be seen in trips between downtown and different Denver neighborhoods?

Patrick McLaughlin, RTD Senior Transit-Oriented Development Associate
Love Denver Union Station? Ready to see great changes to Civic Center? After a year of planning, with stakeholder and public outreach, a draft of the Civic Center Transit District Plan will soon be released to the public. RTD Planner Patrick McLaughlin will outline the vision and actionable plan for Civic Center to become a multimodal hub with improved streetscape and wayfinding elements to help create a unique district identity and economic development opportunities.

Emily Snyder, Denver Urban Mobility Manager & Dan Raine, Senior City Planner
Denver Public Works initiated the Denver Moves Broadway Lincoln Corridor Study in 2015 to further evaluate South Broadway. Through Phase One of the study, the project team has identified pedestrian, bicyclist, transit and place making improvement concepts that will be carried forward into demonstration projects later in 2016. Staff from Public Works will present their findings to date, including the details of the public involvement process and how that has shaped the current concepts, the data collection and analysis effort, and the next steps of testing the proposed improvements on the corridor.

By the way, INC is influential too. The transportation committee demanded Vision Zero a while back and Mayor Michael Hancock has since committed to ending traffic deaths. The more people who participate, the better chance Denver has at making its streets better for transit, walking, and biking.

INC’s Transportation Committee is Thursday, March 10th, from 6 to 8 p.m. at 1201 Williams St., 19th Floor.

Filed Under: INC