Recent Streetsblog DENVER posts about Advocacy

Bureaucracy Got You Down? Here’s a Guide to Making Colorado Streets Better

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Engineer-speak has the power to convolute simple concepts and disengage the very people public agencies are meant to serve. If you’re not in the transportation industry, it might be confusing why agencies use “fixing deficiencies in the grade” when they mean “priming the street for faster speeds,” for instance. But imagine if public agencies listened to the people who value […]

It’s Official: Shoddy Streets Make Walking in Westwood a Hazardous Mess

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Livable streets advocates in Westwood, one of Denver’s worst areas for walking and biking, are taking action as the city develops a new plan for their neighborhood. Westwood Unidos, a neighborhood organization, and PlaceMatters, a think tank for city planning, performed a “sidewalk audit” on Saturday. Residents and volunteers walked the southwest Denver neighborhood, took pictures, and recorded […]