Allen Cowgill
Allen Cowgill is a Denver advocate focused on safer streets and sustainable transportation. He is a member of the Denver Bicycle Lobby and is on Twitter at @AllenCowgill.
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Commentary: Death of the perfect bike lane
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The proposed Gray Street bike lane was quite possibly the perfect bike lane. Yet the original design died an unexpected and unfortunate bureaucratic death. Please don't let it be in vain.
Denver is on the verge of failure in building out a high comfort bike lane network
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Allen Cowgill is a Denver advocate focused on safer streets and sustainable transportation. He is a member of the Denver Bicycle Lobby and is on Twitter at @AllenCowgill. Did you ever walk through Commons Park about 5 or 10 years ago before they put up the fence to keep people from walking on the grass? […]
Commentary: I-270 Expansion Will Harm Latino Communities, Increase Air Pollution, and Accelerate Climate Change
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Allen Cowgill: Expanding I-270 will increase pollution in neighborhoods inhabited mostly by people of color and could accelerate climate change by encouraging more people to drive.