Recent Streetsblog DENVER posts about bike lanes

A crowd of people hold candles at a vigil

Hundreds of Bicyclists Ride, Remember and Party for Fallen Cyclists

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Hundreds of people on bikes gathered near the ballpark last night before riding in the rain to a candlelight vigil held where a driver hit and killed a bicyclist last week. The second cyclist death in as many weeks, the action was part memorial, part protest and also part of an annual celebration when bicyclists put on dresses and ride through the city.
Tactical urbanism: A cyclist and scooter rider ride in the Wynkoop Street bike lane protected by red cups and tomatoes during the #RedCupProject demonstration on April 26.

Here’s Why Denver is Counting Bike Traffic (Because Fox 31 Got It Wrong)

This morning’s Streetsblog Denver Headlines included a story from the local Fox affiliate titled: “Denver surveying downtown bike lanes to make sure it’s a ‘return on investment.’” The story claimed incorrectly that the city installed traffic counters on several bikeways “to make sure people are using these bike lanes enough to justify the price.” She said […]