From Streetsblog Denver
RTD is in Crisis Part 2: A Failure of Leadership. A failure of leadership caused the current crisis at the Regional Transportation District. Gov. Polis, members of the Colorado General Assembly and RTD’s board of directors are to blame. (
Streetsblog Denver)
Other news
- RTD predicts a continued labor shortage even with proposed service cuts (The Denver Post)
- Road construction workers fear for their safety as a CDOT worker remains in critical condition (FOX31/Channel 2)
- Transportation missing from “big ideas” for 2020 legislative session by governor and legislators (The Colorado Sun)
- National Western Center plan includes new roads, bridges, and light rail stop (5280) and the City wants to fund it with a public-private partnership (Denverite)
Lyft opens a support and maintenance center in Aurora for its drivers and their vehicles (
The Denver Post)
- RTD buses will detour this weekend as people walk in the street at the Saturday Womxn’s March and Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Marade (RTD)
- Colorado law enforcement officers arrested fewer people for DUIs during 2019 enforcement periods than in 2018…except in El Paso County (KRDO-TV)
- Boston researchers study marijuana users in a driving simulator and CDOT prepares its next public awareness campaign to prevent marijuana-related traffic fatalities (9News)
- Broomfield residents like the direction of bus rapid transit and highways and want more public transportation, better environmental quality (Broomfield Enterprise)
- Western Slope leaders want a leadership role for their representative to the Colorado Transportation Commission, which has power over transportation funding (Grand Junction Daily Sentinel)