Thursday’s Headlines
From Streetsblog
Traffic Violence Report: Denver surpassed 2018’s total traffic deaths in October. (Streetsblog Denver)
National election roundup: Transit won in local elections, for the most part, even in Denver. (Streetsblog USA)
Other news
RTD’s NextRide failed during a snowstorm due to technical problems, leaving riders in the cold without real-time arrival information. (Colorado Politics)
Riders with disabilities worry about possible RTD service cuts. (CBS4)
RTD’s G Line launched six months ago, attracting less than 7,000 riders per day to the commuter line — a number that could decline with possible service cuts. (Arvada Press)
What if the answer to RTD’s “death spiral” is to make transit free? (Westword)
The Downtown Denver Partnership has new plan to energize the sleepy Central Business District, but the group is not thrilled with outside boosters pushing for an eye-roll worthy new name: UpDo, for Upper Downtown. (Denver Post, Denver7)
Night Lights Denver will project art on the 20-story D&F clock tower on the 16th Street Mall. (Westword)
- Drivers can expect more toll lanes on Colorado highways. (CPR)
Commentary: Don’t read the defeat of Proposition CC as a sign that TABOR cannot be tamed or overturned. (Denver Post)
Though voters rejected Proposition CC, even bigger plans to raise state revenue are in the works, including a full repeal of TABOR. (Denver Post)
Denver Air Quality Index: 7 a.m.: 32 Good. Yesterday’s max: 90 Moderate.
National headlines at Streetsblog USA.
Participate in a community meeting on the South Marion Street Parkway protected bike lane. (WalkDenver)
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