Friday’s Headlines

Tactical urbanism: A cyclist and scooter rider ride in the Wynkoop Street bike lane protected by red cups and tomatoes during the #RedCupProject demonstration on April 26.
Tactical urbanism: A cyclist and scooter rider ride in the Wynkoop Street bike lane protected by red cups and tomatoes during the #RedCupProject demonstration on April 26.

From Streetsblog

Other news

  • High-end bicycles stolen in Denver may be headed out of the country. (CBS4)
  • How to protect your bike from thieves in Denver. (Fox 31)
  • The Denver Bike Streets project will host a community bike ride on Sunday at 4 p.m. (Denver7)
  • Denver ranks 12th in the nation for its public transportation network. (Patch)
  • Emissions from jets are growing fast, Denver-based Frontier has the most efficient fleet. (Denver7)
  • Denver Air Quality Index: 6 a.m.: 42 Good. Yesterday’s max: 67 Moderate.
  • National headlines at Streetsblog USA.

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