Friday’s Headlines
From Streetsblog
How our transportation system is biased against women. (Streetsblog USA)
Other news
Colorado drivers killed 20 people after running red lights, the sixth highest rate in the country. (9 News)
RTD should offer cheaper, faster and more frequent transit service according to an informal CPR poll. (CPR)
Solomon Garcia, the man accused of stealing and crashing an RTD bus, faces multiple felony charges. (Denver Post, Fox 31)
Denver repeatedly issues tickets to Baker residents when they park legally, and the city says there’s no one to hold accountable. (Denver7)
When NIMBYs try to block new parking: Thornton residents are gathering signatures to stop a parking lot that would serve an RTD N Line stop. (Denver7)
Colorado seat belt use is at 88 percent, its highest level ever. (The Powers Journal)
Denver Air Quality Index: 6 a.m.: 54 Moderate. Yesterday’s max: 64 Moderate.
National headlines at Streetsblog USA.
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