Tuesday’s Headlines

From Streetsblog

  •  Applying for RTD’s new discount program? A confusing, complicated and glitchy website awaits. (Streetsblog Denver)

Other news

  • “Stop killing us.” After the deaths of bicycle riders Alexis Bounds and Scott Hendrickson this month, cyclists will protest and mourn with ghost bikes, a cruiser ride and a Critical Mass ride. (Denver Post)
  • Police explain why the driver in Bounds’ death was charged with a misdemeanor instead of a felony. (9 News)
  • RTD’s income-based discount program started yesterday. (CPRCBS4, 9 News)
  • Denver is focusing on scooter rider education over enforcement. (Denver7)
  • Thieves slam a shuttle bus into a Littleton bike shop. (CBS4)
  • What Union Station looked like five years ago. (9 News)
  • Check out Union Station Buskerfest Thursday. (303)
  • More electric vehicles will be sold in Colorado under agreement with automakers. (CPRWestword)
  • Colorado regulators are boosting regulations to clean up polluted air and meet federal standards. (Denver Post)
  • Denver Air Quality Index: 6 a.m.: 44 Good. Yesterday’s max: 93 Moderate.
  • National headlines at Streetsblog USA.

The Streetsblog Scooter Debate

  • As Denver updates scooter policies before making its pilot program permanent, Streetsblog will host a panel discussion. Save the date:
    Monday, August 12, 6 – 8 p.m.
    The Alliance Center, 1536 Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado 80202

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