Wednesday’s Headlines
From Streetsblog
Pot smokers think driving while stoned is no big deal. Colorado wants to change that. (Streetsblog Denver)
Bike commuters would be able to write off up to $53 in monthly expenses, thanks to a new tax billintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives this week. (Streetsblog USA)
Other news
More on the sharp rise in pedestrian fatalities. (9 News)
Coloradans are happy with State Patrol, but not traffic safety, says survey. (Colorado Springs Gazette)
Albuquerque lowered downtown speed limits to 20 mph. (Albuquerque Journal)
“If we stop development, people will stop moving here, right?” No. If Denver curbs new housing, “soon the only people who will be able to move or stay here will be the extremely wealthy.” (Denver Urbanism)
The “most sweeping oil and gas reforms” in Colorado history (Denver Post) pass the Senate Transportation and Energy Committee. (Denver Post)
National headlines at Streetsblog USA.
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