The Denver Business Journal has not exactly embraced the whole 21st century urban transportation thing, but it turns out many of its online readers do.
Watch out, Denver. Big Brother is scheming to pry your car keys out of your hands with a malicious plot to — gasp! — reorganize streets to carry more people.
It’s been a notable year for walking, biking, and transit in the Mile High City. But what was the most notable? The best project? The worst? We put those questions and others to our readers, and the votes are in. Here are your winners of the first-ever Denver Streetsies. Best Livable Streets Victory Money talks — and gets votes. Governor John Hickenlooper’s $100 […]
Denver Business Journal editor Neil Westergaard has gone all in on his war against people on bikes — traffic congestion and local businesses be damned. Today Westergaard published his latest rant, which calls the city’s plan to make biking safer “vehicle-hostile” and paints people who want a convenient way from A to B as “fanatics” who think they’re “morally […]
After reading a column by Neil Westergaard in today’s Denver Business Journal, you have to wonder if he’s ever bothered to brush up on the basic economics of transportation and planning policy. The piece careens from the dread of density to eradicating “the bums” from the 16th Street Mall, then finally settles on the need for more free […]