Recent Streetsblog DENVER posts about Equity


Poor and Black ‘Invisible Cyclists’ Need to be Part of Post-Pandemic Transport Planning Too

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Editor’s note: this article originally appeared on The Conversation and is republished here with permission. As states and workplaces prepare to open up after the lockdown, many people are looking for alternatives to public transit to get to work. The National Association of City Transport Officials reports an “explosion in cycling” in many U.S. cities. […]
Man rides a bike in a bike lane

There is Still Structural Racism in Transportation: Report

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Cities must include community members in planning,  hire more diverse staff, and stop displacing residents to combat generations of structural racism in our car-dependent society that has long favored suburban commuters in single-family homes over poorer communities riven by highways and pollution, a new report argues. Smart Growth America’s report, “The State of Transportation and […]
A parking-protected bike lane along Prospect Park West tamed the mean streets of New York so much that parents feel comfortable allowing their children there.

Hidden Safety Problems Keep Denver Kids From Walking and Biking

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In this guest post, Wes Marshall, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Colorado Denver, reveals Denver-based research showing that crash data hides places where kids want to walk and bike. Related papers show how to identify places where kids already are, and how to create safer streets where they want to go — […]