Thursday’s Headlines: 2/20/20

From Streetsblog

Metro area news

  • Mayor Hancock names Grace Rink to head Denver’s first Climate Agency (Denver press release)
  • A Wider I-25 Could Be Coming. And CDOT May Soon Spend $50 Million To Start It (CPR)
  • This ain’t a joke: “Indoor wood-burning restrictions and a plea to limit driving are in effect in the metro area because of air-quality concerns.” (Denver Post) Yep, it’s that bad.
  • Police: 9 injured after kids steal truck, cause multi-vehicle crash involving RTD bus in Aurora (Denver Channel)
  • A mysterious hook-shaped snow band appeared over Denver on Wednesday (9News)

Centennial State & International news

  • People Seem To Like Riding The Bustang From Denver To Grand Junction, So CDOT Is Planning To Add Another Run (CPR)
  • Colorado Springs at a critical moment in designing downtown, urban expert warns (CO Springs Gazette)
  • Paris Mayor: It’s Time for a ’15-Minute City’ (CityLab)

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