Monday’s Headlines
Rolf Eisinger, Denver’s Vision Zero manager, rides near the Webb Municipal building on Winter Bike to Work Day.
Car thief stole pickup in Longmont and ran over its owner, who was seriously injured. (KDVR)
The stories of two good men lost to preventable DUI and distracted driving crashes. (Greeley Tribune)
A-Line trains will not have to blow horns as much at intersections within Denver starting March 1. (Streetsblog Denver)
G-Line gets two of nine federal approvals needed to open long-delayed route. (9 News)
Photos: Devoted cyclists turn out for an icy Winter Bike to Work Day. (Streetsblog Denver)
Yellow lights after red lights: State representative Hugh McKean proposes dumb idea (Denver7 Driving You Crazy podcast) instead of focusing on measures that could save lives like better street design, red light cameras and the distracted driving bill.
Will Toor, new head of Colorado Energy Office pushes Polis’s obsession with adding 1 million electric vehicles to streets (Denver Post), vehicles that clog roads just as much as others.
- Despite Denver’s investments in light rail, transit ridership slumped. To get more people on buses and trains, here’s what Seattle and Minneapolis are doing right. (Streetsblog USA)
Globeville Elyria-Swansea residents wary of gentrification stemming from redevelopment of stock show grounds. (CPR)
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