Monday’s Headlines
- RTD Candidate Embezzled Money, Opponent Wants Her to Drop the Race (DenPo)
- … Her Guilty Plea Could Also Mean Ineligibility Under CO Constitution (SUN)
- Millions of Dollars Going to N-Line Contractor in Settlement Money From RTD (CPR)
- Final Arguments for Prop 110 and Prop 109, Because Voting Day is Almost Here (Colorado Independent)
- … And Listen to an Interview with Corey Hutchins Regarding Prop 110 (KGNU)
- Free “Get to The Polls” Rides Hosted by Lyft, Uber (DenPo)
- Proposition 110 Has Received Millions in Donations from Construction Companies, Realtors (Westword)
- Details and Info on Denver’s Transit Amenity Program, TAP (Denver Urbanism)
- Boulder County Council Considering Restrictions on Towing For Low Income Neighborhoods, Families (DailyCamera)
- Central 70 Project Hosted a Hiring Fair Over the Weekend (Denver7)
- DIA Has One of the Lowest Average Fares of Any Major Airport, Here’s Why (DBJ)
- Drivers Face Reality as Snow Hits the Mountain Corridors (VailDaily)
- Someone Drove Into a Pond in Greenwood Village, Fled (Fox31)
National headlines at Streetsblog USA