Today’s Headlines
- CSP Identifies 11-Year-Old Kid and the Driver Who Killed Him (9News)
- CDOT Makes Elyria-Swansea Choose Between Flooding and Wider I-70 (Denverite)
- Unsurprisingly, RTD Says N-Line Build-Out Is Delayed (DenPo)
- When Denver Sold Its Soul for Surface Parking (CPR)
- Newest Transpo Funding Bill Robs Coffers, Favors Highways (Politics)
- Apartments for Homeless to Supplant Arapahoe Square Parking Lot (Denverite)
- 16th Street Mall Could Get $68 Million, But How to Use It? (Westword)
- CDOT Converting Mountain-Bound I-70 Shoulder Into Toll Lane (ABC7)
- Car Sales Down Nationally, But Not in Colorado (DBJ)
National headlines at Streetsblog USA