Recent Streetsblog DENVER posts about Uncategorized

Today’s Headlines

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Driver Hits Four People Walking at 34th and Walnut (DenPo) DenPo Covers the Broadway Protected Bike Lane, Set to Open August 15 How a New Roadbed for 16th Mall Might Look (Denverite) Backed By Council, NIMBYs Stonewall 3-Story Homes on Colorado Boulevard (DenPo) Seems Like Neighbors Didn’t Like Developer’s Plan for TOD Near Orchard RTD […]

Denver’s First Ever Transit Plan Gets Underway

Editor’s note: If you want to help shape Denver’s transit network, take this map-based survey where you can make as many recommendations as you want. As Denver grows, the city needs to take transit into its own hands. As helpful as RTD and its expanding rail network may be for suburban commuters, the region’s new transit lines don’t do much for the […]

Vox Pulls Back the Curtain on “Scam” to Save Lives With Red Light Cameras

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You can usually count on Vox for accurate, research-based explainers of public policy issues. That’s why the new Vox video on red light cameras is so monumentally disappointing. Researchers have established that red light cameras make streets safer by reducing potentially fatal T-bone collisions, though they do lead to more rear-end crashes, which tend not […]

Congrats to the Denver PhotoVoices #SweetStreet Winner

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Earlier this year Streetsblog Denver teamed up with the Community Active Living Coalition’s Denver PhotoVoices project and asked readers to send in pictures that depict streets working well — #SweetStreets. Congratulations to Joshua Palmeri, who captured this sun-drenched scene on Wynkoop Street in front of Union Station. And look — no drivers blocking the bike […]