Recent Streetsblog DENVER posts about transit


Op-Ed: Do Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses Make Sense for Cities?

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Companies like Toyota, Nikola and H2X are doubling down on hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and positioning them as alternatives to their more popular zero-emission counterparts, battery electric vehicles. These companies and some advocates believe fuel cell vehicles could be key to decarbonizing the transport sector without sacrificing range or payload, thanks to fuel cell vehicles’ smaller batteries and lower weight. But […]

Debate Begins Over the Next U.S. Transportation Funding Bill

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Yesterday, House Democrats released a draft bill that establishes a $494 billion, 5-year plan for the nation’s transportation infrastructure – but in spite of language to address climate change, and significant funding increases for rail and transit programs, the lion’s share of the bill’s funding would still go to roads and highways. The proposed legislation, […]