Recent Streetsblog DENVER posts about land use

The Future of Our Streets and Neighborhoods Hinges on “Denveright”

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As more people come to Denver, will car traffic overrun streets and neighborhoods, or will the city steer its growth to encourage more trips by transit, biking, and walking? Under the banner “Denveright,” Mayor Michael Hancock and his administration launched four new plans Thursday that could shape Denver for decades to come. Most relevant to streets and transportation are […]

Less Traffic, More People: City to Scrap Parking Mandates in Arapahoe Square

Create places to park, you get cars and traffic. Create places to walk, you get people. In Arapahoe Square, homes and businesses are islands between sprawling parking lots and the cars that fill them. That’s due in part to zoning requirements that bake tons of parking into buildings. Community Planning and Development has proposed new standards that would scrap those […]