Today’s Headliners
- Southmoor NIMBYs Ready to Defend RTD Station from Usefulness (Denverite)
- Chamber to Drop Transpo Tax Question Friday; CO Politics Thinks Transit and Transportation Are Separate Things
- RTD Rep Tina Francone Steps Down to Join Jeffco County Commissioners (DenPo)
- Bike Traffic Prompts Deli Owners to Build Bike-Thru at 12th and Bannock (Westword)
- Hickenlooper: Private Sector Would Fully Fund Olympics, Spark Transpo Infrastructure (CPR)
- Signal, Sidewalk Upgrades Coming to Kalamath Between 6th and 8th (CBS4)
- Aurora Sentinel Applauds Dockless Bike Share
- RTD Uses Drones to Spot Track Problems (Patch)
National headlines at Streetsblog USA