Recent Streetsblog DENVER posts about Brighton Boulevard

Get a Look at the Latest Design Proposal for Brighton Boulevard

It’s been about six months since the city last presented its street design for Brighton Boulevard between 29th and 44th in RiNo. Designers unveiled the final design Wednesday night at a town hall meeting. This sleek video provides an overview. The design promises a substantial overhaul: Wide sidewalks where none exist now, safer intersections, and a raised bike lane along a 1.5-mile street that’s quickly […]

Public Works Needs to Design Brighton Boulevard With the Future in Mind

In an open letter posted on WalkDenver’s website yesterday, Joel Noble challenged the Department of Public Works and their consultants to be bold while redesigning Brighton Boulevard for walking, biking, and transit. Noble wrote as a resident, but he is also a Planning Board member, the president of Curtis Park Neighbors, and co-chair of the INC Transportation Committee. (Full disclosure: he has […]

Public Meeting Tonight to Hash Out Brighton Boulevard Bike Lane Design

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Some good-looking biking and walking improvements are coming to Brighton Boulevard in River North as part of a broader redevelopment plan, with the exact details subject to additional fine tuning. Advocates, residents, and business owners will meet tonight with city planners and hash out the design. The last public meeting with the Department of Public Works and the North Denver Cornerstone […]