Some Scenes from Colorado’s 2017 Bike to Work Day

Photo: David Sachs
Photo: David Sachs

About 34,000 people hopped on bikes for their commute on Wednesday, Colorado’s Bike to Work Day, according to early estimates from the Denver Regional Council of Governments.

Everyday bike commuters and advocates for safe streets like Bike Denver and Bicycle Colorado rode alongside first timers. Thirty-seven percent of bicyclists participated for the first time, according to DRCOG.

It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Inevitably and unsurprisingly, drivers parked in bike lanes freely on the one day of the year when bicyclists are supposedly prioritized. But here are some happier scenes.

Breakfast and coffee at a bike station at 16th and Humboldt. Photo: David Sachs
Photo: David Sachs
Some extra temporary protection — complete with flowers — on the Arapahoe Street bike lane next to the Downtown Denver Partnership’s early morning pancake party. Photo: David Sachs
Safety in numbers at 16th and Josephine. Photo: David Sachs
Free bike tune-ups at the Downtown Denver Partnership’s station. Photo: David Sachs
Free breakfast burritos and shwag at the Denver Zoo station. Photo: David Sachs